Transect 1: Shetland
Rate and style of ice-sheet retreat constrained by new geological, marin-geophysical and geochronological data: (T1) Shetland and northern North Sea sector, British-Irish ice sheet, T. Bradwell et al (in press).
Bradwell T, Small D, Fabel D et al.
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2019
Transect 2: North Sea
The mixed‐bed glacial landform imprint of the North Sea Lobe in the western North Sea
Roberts DH, Grimoldi E, Callard L, Evans DJ, Clark CD, Stewart HA, Dove D, Saher M, O'Cofaigh C, Chiverrell RC, Bateman MD, Moreton SG, Bradwell T, Fabel D, Medialdea A
Earth Surface Processes Landforms, 2018A chronology for North Sea Lobe advance and recession on the Lincolnshire and Norfolk coasts during MIS 2 and 6
Evans DJ, Roberts DH, Bateman MD, Ely J, Medialdea A, Burke MJ, Chiverrell RC, Clark CD, Fabel D
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 2018Ice marginal dynamics of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea : Ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank
Roberts DH, Evans DJ, Callard SL, Clark CD, Bateman MD, Medialdea A, Dove D, Cotterill CJ, Saher M, O'Cofaigh C, Chiverrell RC, Moreton SG, Fabel D, Bradwell T
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018Sedimentation during Marine Isotope Stage 3 at the eastern margins of the Glacial Lake Humber basin, England
Evans DJ, Roberts DH, Bateman MD, Medialdea A, Ely J, Moreton SG, Clark CD, Fabel D
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2018The timing and consequences of the blockage of the Humber Gap by the last British−Irish Ice Sheet
Bateman MD, Evans DJ, Roberts DH, Medialdea A, Ely J, Clark CD
Boreas, 2018Glacial Lake Pickering: stratigraphy and chronology of a proglacial lake dammed by the North Sea Lobe of the British-Irish Ice Sheet
Evans DJ, Bateman MD, Roberts DH, Medialdea A, Hayes L, Duller GA, Fabel D, Clark CD
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2017Rapid ice sheet retreat triggered by ice stream debuttressing: evidence from the North Sea
Sejrup HP, Clark CD, Hjelstuen BO
Geology, 2016
Transect 3: Irish Sea East
Ice margin oscillations during deglaciation of the northern Irish Sea Basin
Chiverrell RC, Smedley RK, Small D, Ballantyne CK, Burke MJ, Callard SL, Clark CD, Duller GA, Evans DJ, Fabel D, van Landeghem K, Livingstone S, O'Cofaigh C, Thomas GS, Roberts DH, Saher M, Scourse JD, Wilson P
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2018Morphological and sedimentary responses to ice mass interaction during the last deglaciation
Chiverrell RC, Burke MJ, Thomas GS
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2016
Transect 4: Irish Sea West
A stratigraphic investigation of the Celtic Sea megaridges based on seismic and core data from the Irish-UK sectors
Lockhart EA, Scourse JD, Praeg D, Van Landeghem KJ, Mellett C, Saher M, Callard L, Chiverrell RC, Benetti S, O'Cofaigh C, Clark CD
Quaternary Science Review, 2018Trough geometry was a greater influence than climate-ocean forcing in regulating retreat of the marine-based Irish-Sea Ice Stream
Small D, Smedley RK, Chiverrell RC, Scourse JD, O'Cofaigh C, Duller GA, McCarron S, Burke MJ, Evans DJ, Fabel D, Gheorghiu DM, Thomas GS, Xu S, Clark CD
GSA Bulletin, 2018Internal dynamics condition centennial-scale oscillations in marine-based ice-stream retreat
Smedley RK, Chiverrell RC, Ballantyne CK, Burke MJ, Clark CD, Duller GA, Fabel D, McCarroll D, Scourse JD, Small D, Thomas GS
Geology, 2017New age constraints for the limit of the British–Irish Ice Sheet on the Isles of Scilly
Smedley RK, Scourse JD, Small D, Hiemstra JF, Duller GA, Bateman MD, Burke MJ, Chiverrell RC, Clark CD, Davies SM, Fabel D, Gheorghiu DM, McCarroll D, Medialdea A, Xu S
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2017Advance and retreat of the marin-terminating Irish Sea Ice Stream into the Celtic Sea during the Last Glacial: Timing and maximum extent
Scourse, J. et al
Marine Geology, 2019
Transect 5: Galway Bay
Sedimentology and chronology of the advance and retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet on the continental shelf west of Ireland
Peters JL, Benetti S, Dunlop P, O'Cofaigh C, Moreton SG, Wheeler AJ, Clark CD
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2016
Transect 6: Donegal Bay
Deglaciation chronology of the Donegal Ice Centre, north‐west Ireland
Wilson P, Ballantyne CK, Benetti S, Small D, Fabel D, Clark CD
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2018Early deglaciation of the British-Irish Ice Sheet on the Atlantic shelf northwest of Ireland driven by glacioisostatic depression and high relative sea level
O'Cofaigh C, Weilbach K, Lloyd JM, Benetti S, Callard SL, Purcell RC, Chiverrell RC, Dunlop P, Saher M, Livingstone SJ, Van Landeghem KJ, Moreton SG, Clark CD, Fabel D
Quaternary Science Review, 2019
Transect 7: Malin Sea
Extent and retreat history of the Barra Fan Ice Stream offshore western Scotland and northern Ireland during the last glaciation
Callard SL, O'Cofaigh C, Benetti S, Chiverrell RC, Van Landeghem KJ, Saher MH, Gales JA, Small D, Clark CD, Livingstone SJ, Fabel D, Moreton SG
Quaternary Science Review, 2018Cosmogenic exposure age constraints on deglaciation and flow behaviour of a marine-based ice stream in western Scotland, 21–16 ka
Small D, Benetti S, Dove D, Ballantyne CK, Fabel D, Clark CD, Gheorghiu DM, Newall J, Xu S
Quaternary Science Review, 2017Weathering fluxes and sediment provenance on the SW Scottish shelf during the last deglaciation
Arosio R, Crocket KC, Nowell GM, Callard SL, Howe JA, Benetti S, Fabel D, Moreton S, Clark CD
Marine Geology, 2017
Transect 8: The Minch
Marine ice sheet instability and ice shelf buttressing of the Minch Ice Stream, northwest Scotland
Gandy N, Gregoire LJ, Ely JC, Clark CD, Hodgson DM, Lee V, Bradwell T, Ivanovic RF
The Cryosphere, 2018Submarine sediment and landform record of a palaeo-ice stream within the British−Irish Ice Sheet: Submarine sediments and landforms of a palaeo-ice stream, British−Irish Ice Sheet
Bradwell T, Stoker MS
Boreas, 2015Ice-stream demise dynamically conditioned by trough shape and bed strength
Bradwell T, Small D, Fabel D, Smedley RK, Clark CD, Saher MH, Callard SL, Chiverrell RC, Dove D, Moreton SG, Roberts DH, Duller GAT and O'Cofaigh C
Science Advances, 5, eaau1380, 2019
Ice sheet wide papers
Glacial landforms: a teaching resource in maps and GIS
Clark CD, Ely JC, Doole J
Teaching Geography, 2018BRITICE Glacial Map, version 2: a map and GIS database of glacial landforms of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet
Clark CD, Ely JC, Greenwood SL, Hughes AL, Meehan R, Barr ID, Bateman MD, Bradwell T, Doole J, Evans DJ, Jordan CJ, Monteys X, Pellicer XM, Sheehy M
Boreas, 2018Devising quality assurance procedures for assessment of legacy geochronological data relating to deglaciation of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet
Small D, Clark CD, Chiverrell RC, Smedley RK, Bateman MD, Duller GA, Ely JC, Fabel D, Medialdea A, Moreton SG
Earth-Science Reviews, 2017ATAT 1.1, the Automated Timing Accordance Tool for comparing ice-sheet model output with geochronological data
Ely JC, Clark CD, Small D and Hindmarsh RCA (2019)
Geoscientific Model Development, 12, pp. 933–953